Glitter & Grit, Book (2015)

Glitter and Grit is a 352-page anthology with 144 images, 12 pages of magazine-style spread, and design elements created in InDesign, using master page templates, paragraph and character styles. It was printed in Portland, OR and published by Publication Studio in 2015. (It also was nominated for a Lambda Literary award!). Front cover (illustration by… Continue reading Glitter & Grit, Book (2015)

Categorized as Design, Print

Heels on Wheels: Poster design, Web design, Community engagement (2010-2016)

Heels on Wheels is an art and community engagement project close to my heart for which I’ve built and maintained the WordPress website from 2010-2016, and created a series of posters and a graphic identity in order to promote a performance tour and monthly series which ultimately presented 50 events in 30 states and provinces… Continue reading Heels on Wheels: Poster design, Web design, Community engagement (2010-2016)

Femme Postcards, 2013-2014

Celebrating the sibling relationship of queer femmes and art fags: And a little something for the femme-for-femme crew:

Center for Collaborative Communication, Print & Communications (2011-2013)

As the Communications Director for the Center for Collaborative Communication from 2011-2013, I had the opportunity to create tri-fold brochures, sell sheets (CCC_IntroPacket_Jun12-v1), postcards (CCC_Postcard_Front-bleed), posters (CCC_NextNVCSteps) and web-ready promotional graphics. Poster, 8.5 x 11: Sell sheet cover: Sell sheet interior: Postcard front:

My ### Is A Muscle The Size of Your Fist

My Cunt Is A Muscle… is based on the wonderful Your Heart Is a Muscle 1999 woodcut by Dalia Sapon-Shevin, then a member of the Syracuse Cultural Workers, it was made as an inspiration to activists and a response to the state repression experienced during the World Trade Organization protests in Seattle in 1999. Dalia’s… Continue reading My ### Is A Muscle The Size of Your Fist

Femme 2012: in Baltimore and Everywhere on the Web

I’m busting with pride because, for the last year, I’ve been volunteering co-leading the Media team of this weekend’s Femme Conference. Between starting work on this conference and now, I started graduate school and went to two Allied Media Conferences, and it’s just really clear to me how incredibly important media –  accessible, horizontal, participatory… Continue reading Femme 2012: in Baltimore and Everywhere on the Web

Fame and Shame in the Lower East Side (Poster design & Website, 2011)

I had a dream about updating my blog to talk about process, the motions of making and the spaces in between that I like to forget that I need in order to bloom beauty. I dreamt of performances about dissociation and  homorobics. I dreamt of taking a walk with Diamanda Galas. If you want to… Continue reading Fame and Shame in the Lower East Side (Poster design & Website, 2011)

Fashion Embroidery: 2002-2004

Femme Power Hat, 2005 [image forthcoming] Wrist Cuffs, 2004               Flaming Jacket, 2003                                 Semen/Flower, 2002