Keynote: Active Care Interventions in Workshops

I came to facilitation after many years of hosting and presenting live performances. The similarities are deep: engage people, care for them and their experience, produce something meaningful worth everyone’s time. And, sometimes: things go sideways. I presented a framework for active care at Voltage Control’s Control the Room facilitator conference in Austin, 2022. The… Continue reading Keynote: Active Care Interventions in Workshops

Be a Problem-Finding Wizard

~ or, at least, stop solving the wrong problem and wasting your time!~ Question: Modern life. Adulting. Dayjobs. Projects, Clients, Stakeholders. Our families. Vacations. Money … Which one of these doesn’t have problems? Answer: they ALL do, sadly. Our challenge is to identify WHICH problem to work on next with our precious, limited time. That’s… Continue reading Be a Problem-Finding Wizard

Design Experiments with Blockchain teams

I’ve run a few experiments this year as I kickoff working with teams who are innovating on the bleeding edge – blockchain. Below are two case studies from 2018 – click through to read the methods and takeaways. GAMES, SPECULATIVE FICTION + DESIGN THINKING Design Thinking is popular and proven technique for learning tons about… Continue reading Design Experiments with Blockchain teams

Digital Information Security: Explaining the Two Main Issues & How To Deal With Them

[download this resource as a PDF:infosec_resources_femmetechdec2016-1] While the current political climate in the US is spawning mass interest in digital security, the situation as it stands has been created over the last 20 years or so, with concern and activism around the issue rising with the tide of technologies that are fueling the problems. Here… Continue reading Digital Information Security: Explaining the Two Main Issues & How To Deal With Them

So You Want to Make A Digital Archive? Three Strategy Questions

Managing physical and digital files, metadata-gathering, and enabling complex internal or public searches of cultural production, ephemera, archives and/or born-digital assets are issues faced by many organizations: large, small, funded, volunteer… At Openflows, I build digital catalogs and archives regularly and want to share some of those specific strategies we use at the outset of a… Continue reading So You Want to Make A Digital Archive? Three Strategy Questions

Digital Security Options for Punk Community Spaces

[from a mini-discussion 9/29/15 at QUILTBAG++, with much thanks to Roo Khan of Palante Tech for skills and recommendations] Recently I was presented with a technology problem: the downloads in a rural, well-traveled, punk/artist community space are threatening that spaces’ security to retaining internet access. Is a strongarm solution – hard limits to the www –… Continue reading Digital Security Options for Punk Community Spaces

Liberation approaches to Technology: Interview

The fantastic author, librarian and activist Melissa Morrone [@InfAgit] interviewed me to discuss technology, feminism, decentralized networks of power, and liberation-focused approaches to teaching. quality content Read the whole interview here: A few choice quotes: MM: can you talk more about that in your approach towards technology and intimidation? HD: This plays into both… Continue reading Liberation approaches to Technology: Interview

Digital Archiving: How to Pick A Software

Photo by Chris Crisman

I’ve been building and teaching others how to build digital collections and archives for about three years now. Seeing that I often field questions from folks, here’s a starting list for those interested in creating online archives or collections. PLANNING YOUR DIGITAL COLLECTION Ask yourself the following questions, as a way to information-gather what you’ll… Continue reading Digital Archiving: How to Pick A Software