Postcards and the Art of Image Maintenance

I’ve been up late these past few weeks, getting ready for Femme Pride Week, and working on media for the US Social Forum, where I’m teaching a DIY New Media workshop with Sarah Jenny, and Femme2010, the amazing femme conference that I’m Co-Media Chair of this year. Part of my favorite media strategy has always… Continue reading Postcards and the Art of Image Maintenance

Images: Print vs. Web, an explanation, instructions + resources

I love it when my talented friends send me fabulous pictures as proof of our magical lives on the interweb. It makes me feel grounded. BUT – beauty as those pics are, they aren’t always great for printing when it comes times to make postcards or send images to people for printing in their magazines,… Continue reading Images: Print vs. Web, an explanation, instructions + resources

Webpages 2: My Friend Made My Site But Now…a Choose Your Own Updating Adventure

So your friend is super awesome and made your site a few years ago. You now have made more art or have new pics or got some great press etc. and want your site to reflect that…but your friend is Living On The Land and no longer does websites or perhaps is cray busy still… Continue reading Webpages 2: My Friend Made My Site But Now…a Choose Your Own Updating Adventure

Buying A Video Camera

Buying a video camera might seem like a simple task, perhaps because you haven’t attempted to do it recently, or maybe you live in a world where video cameras are an oft-discussed item. For the rest of us — hearty DIY people who would like to purchase a video camera who are not independently wealthy… Continue reading Buying A Video Camera