Raised Fist Slideshow in Pittsburgh 10/23


The Fist Is Still Raised Slideshow
Weds Oct 23, 7pm at The Big Idea Cooperative

What do The Lavender Left, Food Not Bombs, radical labor organizers, 1970s feminists, the IWW, Black Power, OWS, anti-imperialist organizing, and fisting have in common? They — and many more — all use illustrations of the raised, clenched fist in their posters, newsletters, banners & logos.

The Fist Is Still Raised is a slideshow and talk about the history of the use of the raised fist in protest images from 1906-2012. Looking over the development of this one image tells intersecting stories about liberation, direct action, and autonomous organizing for revolutionary change.

Hadassah Damien is a political artist and community organizer from Brooklyn, NY. She is Resident Scholar at the Interference Archive, co-producer of the queer art tour Heels on Wheels Glitter Roadshow, and a fearless rabble rouser across the US and Canada.

Special Guest: Shaun Slifer shows & discusses a short video that documents all the raised fists at the Interference Archive.

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